Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Baby Laila

Little 10 pound Baby Laila is now the newest member of our Daycare, since everyone else graduated. The Daycare is now officially starting over again, and Laila is bringing a breath of fresh air.
Laila is ever so sweet and smiling, and you just know that she wants to be your friend.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Dylan's First Birthday

Happy First Birthday, Dylan
Dylan is coming of age. Cute as a button
and strong as a horse, he runs fast and is
starting to learn how to feed himself. You
will see that he took particular delight in
his birthday cupcake. Many more returns
of the day, Dylan!!! September 1st he's
One year old. Dylan's favorite things are Legos, big stuffed animals, turning off the TV, hearing stories on the IPOD, and reading books.
He also loves to feed the daycare beagle, Spyke.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Face Painting

Today, our little neighbor, Madison, returned from her vacation in Virginia and wanted to show us her new skill in face painting. so, our brave seven year old, Kayla, volunteered. Here she is. Wow!!. Is she great or what! Kayla is going into 3rd grade and will be 8 in August. She's here with her 5 year old brother Kevin (on the right) and her new baby brother, Jovanny, who is just three months old.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Addison's First Birthday

I must say, it was a very rainy day, but we all managed to get outside for some fresh air, As soon as Addison
woke up from her morning beauty rest, we had a little
 birthday party for her, with Princess cupcakes
furnished by Mom. Plenty of balloons and
happy friends. Check out the video.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

New Students and Butterfly Days

We have several new students, Hannah (2) with her baby brother, Dylan, 
and Breana just to the left, who is experiencing the transformation of the 
caterpillar into a butterfly.

                                         There has been a lot of activity since the last post: Julian turned 5, Dominic turned 4 and Tristan turned a spunky 2. also Thalia's grandmother came from Haiti, so she's taking a break. Then Hannah (2 1/2) and her brother, Dylan (6 mos), joined the daycare. Last week, Breana came to join us. She just had a birthday, April 20th, when she turned five.                                                                                                                                                     
The other day, our new batch of caterpillars emerged from their chrysalis. Miss Rachel took some swell pictures. Take a look-see!!!  Here's Dominic, who has been with us a few years.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

New Baby Thallia

She is very smart and, for a 13 month old baby, very alert and organized. Her name is Thallia. She started walking right about the time of her first birthday in December. She's a happy baby and rarely cries, except when she's a little tired. she loves to walk around the yard, and loves to throw food to the dog.