Saturday, May 5, 2012

New Students and Butterfly Days

We have several new students, Hannah (2) with her baby brother, Dylan, 
and Breana just to the left, who is experiencing the transformation of the 
caterpillar into a butterfly.

                                         There has been a lot of activity since the last post: Julian turned 5, Dominic turned 4 and Tristan turned a spunky 2. also Thalia's grandmother came from Haiti, so she's taking a break. Then Hannah (2 1/2) and her brother, Dylan (6 mos), joined the daycare. Last week, Breana came to join us. She just had a birthday, April 20th, when she turned five.                                                                                                                                                     
The other day, our new batch of caterpillars emerged from their chrysalis. Miss Rachel took some swell pictures. Take a look-see!!!  Here's Dominic, who has been with us a few years.


  1. That's too cool... I love it!!! You guys are great with the kids.

    Hannah and Dylan's mommy!
